Our Story

It started with a young child, named Ruprette Ding Dong. Ding Dong was his last name you see. He came from farmlands in the east. His father, deciding his young son had aged enough, gifted the young lad a foal. Alas, senior Ding Dong, didn't know the difference between a horse, and a donkey, and upon hearing the word 'foal', and for 'sale' jumped for the chance to have a horse once it grew. Ruprette (his mother had wished for a son named Bob, but told senior Ding Dong, that if she had a daughter, to name her Ruprette, and having never told Senior Ding Dong the name of the son she wished for, Senior Ding Dong named Ruprette as such), could tell the difference between a donkey and a horse, told his father that he would never be disgraced with having a donkey refused the gift, angering his father, and was punished with the punishment having to sleep in the barn for a week as the donkey did.

With in the week, Ruprette bonded with the donkey that he named Anders, and from then on, ashamed of his original behavior, vowed to never use a horse again.

Because Senior Ding Dong had two sons, the eldest was the one to inherit the farm. It was Ruprette's elder brother, Dawyd who gave his younger brother, the idea of starting a business that involved donkeys. Of course it was just so that Ruprette would not be able to murder Dawyd, as their neighbors, the Dubois's younger son did to the eldest.

However, Ruprette took to the suggestion like flies to light, and started the company, Ding Dong, with his best friend, Anders.

Soon it spread and became a national loved company were hundreds of donkeys were sold.

All sorts of people purchased our donkeys, from old to young, to female, to male, from smart, to dumb, and from rich to poor. Donkeys have not only become an encancle part of a farmers life, but an important part of the comon citizen's life.
Anders continued his back breaking work, even when he aged to a age were most donkeys were put down.